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Mapping rules

Mapping Rules determine how to link (and potentially modify) between source_fields (input data) and destination_fields (output data) when building CDM objects.


Validation of ScanReportConcept occurs when they themselves are created. Their creation will fail if:

  1. The associated ScanReportTable does not have a person_id marked.
  2. The associated ScanReportTable does not have a date_event marked.

These are requirements for building the mapping rules

Building Rules

For each ScanReportConcept that is created, the procedure to build Mapping-Rules proceeds as follows:

  1. The destination_field (OmopField object) of the <domain>_concept_id is found using ScanReportConcept.concept.domain_id. The destination_table is linked to the object.

  2. From the source_field or source_value of the ScanReportConcept.content_type the source_table is found.

  3. At least five common mapping rules are first created:

1. Person ID

Is created for the destination_field of the (already found) destination_table:

  • Every CDM object contains a person_id
  • The rule is built with the current source_table and source_value or source_field, as well as with the concept, linking it to the destination_table.

2. Date Events

At least one date based destination_field of the associated destination_table is created:

  • Every CDM object must contain at least one date_event
  • They are determined by the global variable m_date_field_mapper which is defined in services_rules.py:
m_date_field_mapper = {
    'person': ['birth_datetime'],
    'condition_occurrence': ['condition_start_datetime','condition_end_datetime'],
  • As can be seen, most CDM objects have one date event, however condition_occurrence is an example where two date events are/were needed

This was a request from the data-team to also map condition_end_datetime, with the current implementation, the condition_start_datetime == condition_end_datetime .


OHDSI/OMOP say the standard is to set condition_end_datetime = condition_start_datetime + 30 days Previously this was handled automatically by the ETL-Tool, and via operations, which is now no-longer used.

The rule is built with the current source_table from the content_object (source_value or source_field), as well as with the concept, linking it to the destination_table.

3. Source Value

  • A rule is created by finding the <domain>_source_value (OmopField) for the current destination_table. As with previous rules, the rule links this with the concept and the source_table and source_field.

This rule could be duplicated for the destination_field called value_as_number (or value_as_float). This appears in measurement and is a clone of source_value, with a different output format (FLOAT instead of CHAR). Formatting of rules is handled by the ETL-Tool, and therefore from the mapping-pipeline point of view, these rules are the same.

4. Concept ID

  • A rule is created by finding the <domain>_concept_id (OmopField) for the current destination_table. As with previous rules, the rule links this with the concept and the source_table and source_field.

5. Source Concept ID

  • A rule is created by finding the <domain>_source_concept_id (OmopField) for the current destination_table. As with previous rules, the rule links this with the concept and the source_table and source_field.

In the current implementation and validation, we force all concept IDs to be Standard. This means that always <domain>_source_concept_id == <domain>_concept_id. We may need to review this for the future and allow a source_concept and aswell as a concept object to be saved to a ScanReportConcept. The logic could be that if a source_concept is not null then <domain>_source_concept_id != <domain>_concept_id, which would not affect exisiting ScanReportConcept objects that are in the current database.

Schematic Diagram

Downloading Rules

In services_rules.py the function

def get_mapping_rules_json(qs:QuerySet) -> dict:

builds a dictionary that is converted to a json format before it is downloaded when the “Download Mapping Rules” button is clicked.

The function works as follows: Given a query set of all MappingRules associated to a given ScanReport:

  1. Group them based on the associated ScanReportConcept (object that spawned them)
  2. Create a dictionary to contain each destination_table
  3. Loop over all rules associated to each ScanReportConcept (>=5 rules)
  4. Retrieve the source_table, source_field, destination_field from the MappingRule
  5. If the destination_field is a concept_id add “Term Mapping” to the output json. Add this as map or a scalar, depending on if it’s a ScanReportValue or ScanReportField that is to be mapped